Friday, January 4, 2013

Be Still

I hope you have all had an incredibly blessed Christmas and New Year with your families and those that you love. We enjoyed so much the time with our boys and sweet friends and family but are very happy to be back to our normal routines. The boys had a great first day back to school yesterday and, I have to admit, it was nice going through emails and putting deadlines on my calendar yesterday.

It's also been wonderful getting back to a normal schedule and routine of bible study and time with the Lord. I have been working through Kelly Minter's study on Ruth and I highly recommend it for all of you ladies out there. This week's focus is on Ruth's trip to the threshing room floor, prompted by Naomi, to find Boaz. The Lord spoke so clearly to me as Kelly explained that after doing all she was instructed by her mother-in-law, after the planning and preparations were finished, all Ruth could do was lie down, be still and was out of her hands, she had done all she could.

"Ruth approached quietly, uncovered his feet and lay down. Ruth 3:7

All of Ruth's anxieties, apprehensions, fears, wonderings, and emotions culminate with these two words. She had lost her husband, left her family, moved to a foreign country, inserted herself into the fields, submitted to her mother-in-law, journeyed to the threshing floor, and now, after all this time, she must simply lie down. She had cast her life, her future, even the legacy of her deceased husband, at the feet of Boaz; there was nothing to do now but rest and wait.

This place of surrender is the most freeing of places to be and the hardest to get to. Some of us have been working, toiling, and struggling - we've done all we can do and now it's time to cease striving and lie down at the feet of Jesus."  Kelly Minter, Ruth

That's were we are. We have done hours of work to be filed with the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice as an acceptable adoptive family, we have fallen completely in love with two huge brown eyes and a sassy little expression, we have filled out all the new paper work necessary to request her file that would make her our daughter....and now we wait because there is nothing else WE can do. It's time for us to be still, to lie down at the feet of Jesus and know that He is Lord. This sweet girl is in His hands and He loves her more that we will ever be able to. 

This is, indeed, the most freeing place to be and the most difficult place to stay. It is wonderful to know there is nothing we can do to get her home any faster...or make her ours. However, when Jesus's time line doesn't fit ours we want to yank it back from Him and try to push, hoping we can do something to speed things along. Please join us as we pray that she is safe, loved and cared for. Please pray that, if it be His will, God will reveal to us very soon that she is our daughter...and if not that her family finds her and loves her very soon. Please pray for peace over our hearts and that we take full advantage of this precious time of rest as we sit at the feet of Jesus and drink Him in, that our hearts and spirits are filled with His love, majesty and holy presence. 

Thank you for keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers as we walk this path. We have no idea how long our journey will be, but we do know that Jesus is walking every step with us and that there is a beautiful addition to our family waiting for us some where along the way. Finding her and bringing her home will by no means be the end of our journey but it will be a beautiful mile stone, and while we can't wait to get there, we are prayerfully determined to enjoy all of the scenery along the way!

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