She has been bought at a price....paid in full....redeemed....rejoiced for and welcomed into the family....and is now preparing to go to her father's house where a place has been prepared for her. Adoption really is the most visible and tangible picture of Jesus's gospel we will ever see, from beginning to end, this side of heaven! Thank you all for your prayers and donations that have allowed us to be a part of this.
We have had a wonderful day, a day we had hoped for but certainly did not expect. Tabitha seemed very much to recognize Barry and fairly happy to see him when they brought her to us this morning.....she was ok with the fact that I came along too. Her nurse/caregiver was precious, true to Bulgarian tradition, she gave us a bundle of fragrant herbs for our good health and well being, had tears in her eyes as she hugged us all good bye and tossed out a cup of water on the side walk before us to symbolize a blessing that Tabitha would go forward in life freely and unhindered just as the river flows.
Tabitha was a little concerned about the cab ride at first but soon realized she liked the breeze in her face, watching the world go by and being part of all the sites and sounds her city had to offer. She enjoyed riding in her stroller and just walking holding hands. She conquered her sippy cup today and had so much apple juice she hardly ate any lunch. Her eating habits and abilities have improved by leaps and bounds since we were last here. We have sat down to feed her three times today and she has not fussed at all, thrown a single fit or seemed anxious about anything.
We had to take her to the doctor for and exit exam and it landed smack in the middle of her nap time so we arrived back to the hotel with an overly tired baby that caught a 5 minute cat nap in the cab and we all know what that means....there was no laying down when we got back. I think she slept about 30 minutes and was done! She was still in a good mood and happy to long as she got her way about! We blew bubbles on the balcony and they were a hit...I hope I brought enough to last the week, we looked and played with new sticker books, watched a little Tom and Jerry, explored the apartment and danced to the music on LazyTown. She hated her bath but we made it through and she thought lotion time at the end was a pretty good reward.
All in all it has been a good day. God has made His face to shine on us...but I feel the enemy hard at work trying to rob me of my joy, make me doubt my ability, through Christ, to be enough mother, enough wife and enough provider to make this work.I feel him pushing anxiety and panic towards me and causing me to doubt the future...even after such a good day. Thank you all for your faithfulness to pray for us and please continue to pray for Jesus to guide our steps as we go. I also ask that you pray Satan would get behind us and that he must flee from our family by the authority of Jesus.
Thank you again for your love, prayers and support. We feel them and we need them, we certainly couldn't walk this road alone. Please be prepared to walk with us when we arrive home as well since we don't know what to expect and we will need you all. Thanks again!
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