Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Making Strides

We have made a lot of strides the last day and a half....and taken a lot of steps and done a lot of strolling. Tabbi really likes being outside...even if it is 90 degrees. It's not a whole lot cooler inside here so we just take her out side. Yesterday she chased more bubbles and we found a little play ground where she really liked swinging.

She has also learned to feed herself grapes, bananas and kiwi which is a HUGE step. Tabbi is learning to communicate with us in her own little ways. This morning when she needed a diaper change she just climbed on the couch next to me, laid down and grinned. When she wants to go outside she climbs into the stroller. When we put her shoes on and strap her in she says "bye bye bye" over and over. Eating gets easier every time we do it and that is encouraging.

Yesterday Tabbi and her brothers saw each other and "talked" for the first time on Skype. They were thrilled to see her and she just wanted to pinch their faces through the screen. She was so excited and couldn't get close enough to make her happy! That warmed my heart....I hope they are that happy to be together this time next week. I know I will be happy they are together this time next week. No matter the ups and downs we face, this Fullington clan is a team and it feels a little like part of our team is missing and it's going to take the whole team to pull this off.

Thank you all for your prayers, yesterday was a hard day for me but today has been much better so far. We took Tabbi walking down town this morning so she could walk in the parks and see some grass. She thinks she wants to touch the water in the fountains till we get her close enough to touch it...then she screams, and she has chased every pigeon we could find in Sofia! She gets very excited when she sees the birds and all the dogs around the city so we are hopeful that she will love Miss Chloe when we get may take Chloe a little longer to decide!

We love you all and can't wait to see you when we return home this weekend. Tomorrow we go to the embassy for our exit interview and on Friday we pick-up all of our documents we will need at immigration....we are getting closer and closer to reuniting our family and starting on the road toward normal. Thank you all for all you've done for us this far.

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