Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Daddy's day

We have enjoyed another amazing day with Tabbi today. When we arrived at the orphanage this morning she was happy and ready to play but seemed to get tired a little earlier and wasn't quite as energetic. When we returned after lunch they were a little later in bringing her to us because she had been to see the doctor. This gave us a little extra time to talk and get to know Maggie, our guide, a little more. She is delightful and is so passionate about her job and about advocating for the children. We have really enjoyed our time with her and she has been quite a blessing to us. When Tabbi did arrive she was her happy self and came right in to play. We gave her a new book this afternoon, a small board book about how much Jesus loves all the children in the world. It also sings "Jesus Loves The Little Children" and she loved it even more than her baby Einstein book from yesterday! It was a huge hit. She just held it so close to her ear and smiled so big as it sang to her about the love of her savior. She wanted it played over and over.

After some time enjoying her book she figured out that her daddy is the best jungle gym ever! They tickled, "zurbered", flew around the room, looked out the window (much higher than she has ever looked out the window before), hung upside down, got "dropped" and laughed and laughed and laughed. She let us hear her first big belly laugh so far! Maggie was even impressed by the way she has taken to him. We absolutely have a Daddy's girl in the making. She didn't leave me out though, when daddy got too tired to fly around the room any more she came to sit with me and blow up balloons again. She loves doing anything that makes "music". She loves to rub on the balloons until they screech so loud you can't hear yourself think so we decided she needs a real instrument and bought her the cutest little piano ever. It's so much fun to see her explore something new everyday. She is a blank slate and a little sponge, we can't wait to get her home and watch her grow, learn and just experience all life has to offer.

The room we stay in to spend time with her has great big windows that look outside onto the play ground. There are flowers and butterflies taped all over the windows for the children to enjoy. Barry and I went to the local mall to find her piano and while we were there I found a beautiful silver necklace with a butterfly pendant. Now I can look at my butterfly and think about Tabbi watching hers.

Thank you all again for all the prayers you are lifting up on our behalf...nothing is more valuable to us right now. Please continue to pray that our I-800 comes through very quickly so we can get our girl home as soon as possible to begin her new life with all of us. Love you all and can't wait to share the videos of our happy girl!

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